Cata en los medios

Find out what the press says about the outstanding goalkeeper of the Colombian Women's National Team, Catalina Pérez. Stay on top of her career, her achievements and her impact on women's soccer through articles and press coverage.

Catalina Pérez
La arquera de la Selección también ha tenido una gran actuación contra Corea del Sur.
Linda Caicedo, Daniela Montoya, Leicy Santos, Maria Catalina Usme and Catalina Perez stand out as the backbone of this Superpoderosas squad.
Cata Pérez
Prior to the start of the 2023 Women's World Cup, Catalina Pérez, goalkeeper for the Colombian National Team, expressed her joy at returning to an orbital competition, wearing the colors of the 'tricolor'.
Cata Pérez
The goalkeeper of the Colombian National Team sent this message to accompany them in the team's farewell, on June 21 at the Pascual Guerrero against Panama.
Catalina Pérez
La portera bogotana fue de las grandes figuras de la selección Colombia femenina en la Copa América
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