Cata en los medios

Find out what the press says about the outstanding goalkeeper of the Colombian Women's National Team, Catalina Pérez. Stay on top of her career, her achievements and her impact on women's soccer through articles and press coverage.

Catalina Pérez
Catalina Perez, the goalkeeper of the Colombian National Team, is featured on the cover of BOCAS Magazine.
Catalina Pérez
Playing in German football was a dream, and she is fulfilling it at Werder Bremen. In an interview with DW, the goalkeeper of the Colombian team talks about the historic performance in the World Cup and the current state of women's football.
That's what one of the Colombian players who surprised us in the 2-1 victory on Sunday is doing. BILD knows: Goalkeeper Catalina Pérez (28) will play for Werder Bremen next season. She signs for one year.
La portera de la Selección sacó varias opciones importantes en el primer tiempo. La jugadora del Real Madrid fue el desequilibrio. No la pudieron parar.
Catalina Pérez
Catalina Pérez se lució con una estupenda atajada a Lee Geum-min y defendió la ventaja de Colombia contra Corea del Sur en el Mundial Femenino.
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